Best Substitutes  for Oregano


Are you looking for substitutes for oregano? Whether you are swapping fresh oregano out to get creative in the kitchen, or you’ve just run out of dried oregano at home, this post is your new best friend for finding the best oregano  alternative.


Substituting Dried with Fresh Oregano You can use dried oregano instead of fresh oregano in almost any recipe that calls for this herb!


Hacks for Substituting Herbs Here are my top hacks for finding an oregano seasoning substitute, if you find yourself in a pickle with no oregano for tonight’s recipe, these tips these are for you.


9 Best Substitutes for Oregano What is a good replacement for oregano? Glad you asked! Here are the best herbs for substituting oregano and what you should know about each alternative


1. Basil  If you are cooking a southern European dish such as an Italian, Mediterranean, or Greek dish, basil leaf is your best bet oregano alternative due to the herbs’ similar flavor and potency.